
Showing posts from 2018

Datareum: Platform Berbasis Blockchain Untuk Pasar Data

Pasar data mempunyai nilai yang sangat besar. Tentu saja ini beralasan karena data merupakan salah satu kebutuhan primer untuk sebuah perusahaan. Kamu tahu perusahaan besar seperti Facebook, Amazon dan beberapa lainnya sangat membutuhkan data untuk kemajuan dan kesuksesan perusahaanya. Mereka dapat mengeruk keuntungan yang besar dari data yang mereka milik. Singkatnya Datareum sebagai satu platform yang menarik, tentu saja, tidak asing. dalam hal ini, bagi Anda yang ingin bergabung di dalamnya, tentunya harus mengetahui banyak hal lebih lanjut dalam arti cukup penting dan salah satunya adalah token. Namun sebelum itu, Anda juga perlu mengetahui tentang Datareum secara umum. dan kedua informasi dapat ditemukan di bawah ini. Mari Kita Pelajari Tentang Datareum Sebelum kamu memutuskan untuk bergabung, akan sangat penting untuk mengetahui apa itu Datareum. Datareum ini adalah salah satu platform data terdesentralisasi dan menyediakan pasar untuk data berkualitas tinggi. Dalam plat...

Mengubah Cara Bermain Game dengan Flux

Di dunia digital ada sesuatu yang luar biasa yang orang tidak sadari. Hal-hal seperti perkembangan teknologi semakin membuat sesuatu online, sehingga dianggap sebagai norma. Tren online ini tidak hanya terjadi di bidang transaksional atau ekonomi, tetapi juga di bidang game. Perkembangan teknologi online di dunia game mengubah pasar termasuk membawa arus baru dalam ekonomi dunia. Game benar-benar membuat pasar dan pandangan komunitas global berubah tentang minat atau kemampuan. Jika game hanya dapat dilakukan dengan konsol yang dibeli dan diputar di rumah, sekarang semua orang dapat bermain game di mana saja. Bermain game bersama juga lebih mungkin dilakukan mengingat sistem online, yang menyatukan pemain dari berbagai belahan dunia, sehingga menciptakan kondisi kompetitif dalam bermain game. Aliran perkembangan pasar di dunia game semakin tak terbendung. Jumlah pemain terus meningkat hingga mencapai 2,3 miliar. Pada saat yang sama, industri game terus aktif dalam membuat game. ...

L-Pesa-Pinjaman Crypto Mobile Pertama Berdasarkan Blockchain

Sektor keuangan memang menjadi primadona,ini tidak lain karena sektor ini adalah bisnis yang "basah". Setiap perusahaan yang terjun ke sektor ini,maka kesuksesan akan segera menghampiri. Meskipun,kita tahu sudah ada banyak pemain yang masuk di sektor ini. Platform dan layanan dengan fitur terbaik akan dipilih banyak orang. Begitu persaingan yang sehat dan memang konsumen akan memilih yang terbaik. Untuk mencapai sebuah pelayanan yang terbaik,maka sebuah platform harus mempunyai beberapa manfaat yang nyata untuk penggunanya. Tidak mungkin platform akan sukses karena dengan kebetulan. Pasti ada layanan bagus yang menyertai platform tersebut. Apa itu L-Pesa? Pinjaman bank adalah sesuatu yang tidak semua orang bisa dapatkan. Biasanya ketika kita ingin membuat pinjaman bank kita harus melalui proses aplikasi yang panjang. Ini mungkin akan memakan waktu beberapa hari atau minggu, dan tidak semua pelamar cocok / cukup berkualitas bagi Bank untuk membuat pinjaman. Dengan ting...

CashBag ICO Review

Almost every blockchain-based company that has cryptocurrency will hold ICO. ICO is a fundraising event aimed at gathering investors (users). Investors who purchase the CBC token will automatically become a member of the Cashbag ecosystem. The members can be buyers, merchants, or advertisers. For the record, CBC (Cashbag token) is the only payment tool that can be used in the Cashbag ecosystem. All tokens purchases will be converted to CBC. Pre-sale Like most ICOs, Cashbag will also sell the token in 2 sales phases; presale and crowdsale. Investors who buy tokens in presale will get 40% purchase bonus of total token they buy. The token bonus is aimed to achieve the minimum sales target (soft cap) of 20 million CBC. Cashbag is not a new company. The platform has been an online shop for several years and has worked with many world-renowned brands. This will make it easier for investors to determine their investment. Although cryptocurrency is a risky investment, with good company...

Repux, Data Analysis, and Reliable Environment for Development

Repux is a platform where data users and developers can take part in data exchange and transactions. On the contrary to what people believe, data can be compiled, gathered, traded, and analyzed. From the analysis, developers can come up with ideas for new apps or programs. They can get the data from various sources and then they can develop applications based on the analysis. Then, they can contribute back to the community by selling the apps to the businesses. It’s an advantageous cycle that will benefit everyone.   Simple Idea and Concept In this modern era, data plays an important role. In the world where technology dominates the activities and economy, data is crucial. Unfortunately, for those who don’t know it, data is often wasted and discarded. Small and medium businesses often don’t really know what to do with their data collections, leading to them finally discard everything.  In reality, if these businesses can work together with developers, they can come u...

Onlive and the Future of Online Live Services

Do you have any specific skill that you can offer to other people? Do you feel like sharing knowledge without having to leave the house? Do you believe in the strength and efficiency of live service, and how it can help a lot of people? Do you have a strong, fast, and reliable internet connection and you haven’t made the best use of it? If you join Onlive, you can enjoy the greatest features of the platform, and you can manage the system the way you like it.  The Concept of Online Live Service  Live service is basically divided into two major types: live service and live broadcast. Live service is about live and direct online interaction between providers and viewers. Let’s say that you want to consult a professional financial consultant. You just browse the platform, choose a specific provider, and then interact with them. You can lay out your problems, discuss the possible solutions, and such thing alike. This kind of service is applicable to all kinds of subjects – ...

How Onlive Is Different from Other Services

Live services are becoming a trend these days. We live in the modern world that is dominated by the technology, especially the internet. So, instead of wasting your connection for doing useless things, why not take the best advantage of it? By joining Onlive, you can enjoy the liver service and gain more knowledge about so many different subjects and topics. Onlive Platform and Its Unique Trait How is this platform different from the similar services you can find in other video-based sites, like Youtube or Vines? Well, first of all, Youtube broadcasts recorded videos so there won’t be a direct interaction between the broadcaster and the viewers. It’s like you are recording yourself when cooking, for instance, and then you post your videos later. Your fans can watch the videos again and again. In Onlive, it is completely different. It is a live service platform, which means that when you record the videos, you also broadcast it at the same time. You are able to interact directly...

SSOT Health ICO Review-Healthcare Solutions

SSOT Health Technology   What is meant by SSOT blockchain here is an encrypted distributed database system or can be called Smart contract driven. Here SSOT-powered side chains will validate every institutional transaction where two clients will be in use. They are the SSOT Web app Client as a plugin application for each eligible EHR application and the SSOT Mobile Client run on the SSOT Blockchain technology. In addition, there is still a lot of other information related to SSOT health technology. Well, if you want to know more about SSOT blockchain technology, then you can refer to the review below. SSOT Solution In this case, SSOT blockchain has several applications as a solution in the offer. Several applications are identified as SSOT blockchain EHR, SSOT blockchain pharma, and SSOT blockchain claim. For the first solution that is the secured EMR application. Here, the application is supported by SSOT blockchain. In fact, this EMR application is an application that ...